Premium Large format screens are on the increase as most major chains are now offering a premium screen option in their theatres. These rooms feature superior technology including 4K projectors, improved sound, luxury seating and of course larger sized, high gain screens for brighter pictures and a more immersive experience. We are proud to be the leading premium large format screen manufacturer, a feat we have achieved by developing our own premium coatings in our specialized coating laboratory. Premium HGA 3D silver screens offer the widest viewing angle of any screen at comparable gain, making them the most suitable choice for premium auditoriums and large format screens.
Here is what some of our esteemed clients have to say about our Premium screens
“I watched the Hobbit in one of our new Premium Large Format theatres which has a Premium HGA screen. It looks fantastic!In my opinion, seeing 3D without any noticeable hot spotting is just as important as the quality sound systems we are employing” says National Amusements’ Jon Kidder.
“We opened our first Premium Large Format auditorium in South Park Trinidad and are thrilled with the quality of the installation and Strong/MDI’s 2.9 gain HGA screen. We are installing two more Premium Large Format systems this year and we will definitely be using Premium HGA 2.9 screens; with the brightness we achieve on screen we won’t need a dual projection system”
“The viewing experience is definitely enhanced with the new PREMIUM HGA 1.9 screens we recently installed. The high contrast images sweep more evenly across the entire screen surface and provide the quality we look for in our premium auditoriums” says Dan Huerta, VP of Sight & Sound Technology at AMC Theatres.
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